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Team Genova

A Message from Genova

As we find ourselves in a challenging time globally, we at Genova are wishing all health and strength as we navigate and monitor COVID-19. We wish to extend our thoughts and prayers to anyone who has been directly affected by this virus.

In light of the current circumstances, we wanted to issue a statement in regards to our business operations in the coming weeks. Genova is committed to maintaining our regular hours of operation, maintaining our services and customer care. Our highest priority is the health and safety of our client’s and our staff, as well as those in our network including our suppliers and industry partners. We have been in regular communication with all involved around protocols and slight modifications in operations that best support everyone’s health and well-being during this time.

As we move forward, our team is focussed on reinforcing the highest standards of operating procedures and personal hygiene, working closely with our suppliers, partners and warehousing team to ensure product safety upon delivery. We will temporarily pause all on-site meetings, offering video conferencing and regular call times, daily.

We appreciate the support and understanding from all involved during this time. May we all come together in support, understanding and efforts as we modify our lives and move forward.

Yours in development,

Team Genova

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